Hey Young Filmmakers!

Come film with us!

Join our classes, workshops, and challenges like the 48hr film festival. Get access to equipment, mentorship, and global film festivals. Crew professional film sets. Win awards, grants, and make awesome connections. Plus, create films abroad about your cultural heritage or exploration!

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Flagship program

Submit Scripts & Films

We help teens make their films! 

Submit your projects and get support with script breakdowns, location scouting, and actor recruitment. 

partner with us

Submit via this form

Donate, Sponsor or Volunteer!

Support the amazing work we're doing.

Sponsor a teen in the program. Your contributions provide access to filmmaking classes, workshops, and challenges. Donations helps supply professional equipment, mentorship, and opportunities to showcase their work at film festivals.


Your support empowers young filmmakers to tell their stories and make a lasting impact!

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Join our email list for updates on workshops, screenings, and events in our film community.