This is a five-month after-school film production program, specially designed for high school teens with international backgrounds or teens seeking to explore their global identity. Meeting twice a week in Coolidge Corner, each three-hour session immerses participants in filmmaking techniques, utilizing foreign films as the exclusive curriculum. The program emphasizes the exploration of multicultural identities and concludes with a grand showcase of students' films in local theaters, including the renowned Coolidge Theater.
We empower students to fearlessly explore their creativity through project-based learning and a supportive environment. Inspireing a love for art and storytelling, nurturing personal growth and preparing students to become confident artists with unique voices. Self-discovery should be an adventure with artistic exploration, boundless potential and art that speaks to hearts and souls.
Our program is open to anyone with an interest in exploring their own identity through film. While we reference foreign films, as long as a student is open to exploring their global identity, they are a good fit for the class.